What's so cool about the word transparency? It combines the words trans and parenting all in one. Both of which are cool qualities in my eyes. Anyway, I will admit that today I had a hard day. Today, I also drank a bit of the Japanese Whisky on my counter but that just adds to my credibility (maybe?).
Anyway today was tough for me. I actually felt really bogged down by life and all the processes we repeat on a daily basis trying to find gratification. There are so many times where I definitely find myself saying “What am I doing with my life? Why am I here? What is the point of all of this?” Though I also find myself asking all of these questions much more when I don’t feel like I have a solid support system or when I feel really alone. I try my best not to fill these voids with aimless or stupid interactions but i’m human so it happens.
The real meat and potatoes of this is that if someone makes you feel a certain way tell them. If you care about someone, it’s ok to be vulnerable because you’re human. No one expects a surface level “oh i’ve been doing so well” if you are really connected with someone whether it be friendship or romantic.
If someone makes you feel like shit, tell them why. The worst that can happen is they respond like the POS they are and you have filtered someone effectively out of your life that served no purpose. Though, if you present your feelings and someone acknowledges them, you know that person is versatile enough to adapt to you and is worth your time.
Give what you take and be willing to give that much more if you see someone you care about struggling. Though, if people prove to you how worthless they are, don’t let them excuse their way out of it, Leave them. No one has time for that.