Life is good today. I woke up, put on a crop top and walked my ass down the street to grab a latte at my favorite new pastry shop. I listened to some skeptical music that inspires me and makes me feel out of my normal realm. I felt like little bits and pieces of how I used to be. Life will always feel like a hamster wheel at times, it will also be a struggle but how you deal with those struggles and how you shape how you see the world will be the most important. At times people will ask me what i’m most proud of… My answer? Failing.
I’ve failed so hard in so many aspects of my life. I’ve been jobless, I have been in toxic relationships, I’ve been in situations where I felt invisible but now I am here. I’m here to show try and tell the world that failure is ok, perfection is not what you should strive for and progress is in your reach if you want to work towards it.
I absolutely have days where I just feel like there is no point to all of this. I have times when I know I am not who someone wants me to be but i’ve grown comfortable with the fact that I don’t need to be who society wants me to be. I might hate the person you want to be and ultimately I will wake up to myself. It’s ok if you don’t want me, my feelings won’t be hurt. I will just take it as the natural filters in my life doing there job.
Happy Saturday.