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Writer's picture: Steph Funny SometimesSteph Funny Sometimes

Breathe in. Breathe out. Stare at yourself in the mirror and realize that one day if you work on yourself you won't see your demons staring back at you. You can be fat, you can be skinny, you can think you are stupid, you can think you are a humble genius but when it comes down to it, you can't be more or less you. You can however be better to yourself, kinder to yourself, and train yourself to just love being you. You can train yourself to avoid your bad habits. HABITS are hard to break, especially when it comes to ones which you have had for a while but the beauty of habits is that you can form new ones. Breathe in. Breathe out. See who you are and what you can become. Happy Tuesday.

<3 Steph

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Writer's picture: Steph Funny SometimesSteph Funny Sometimes

Life is good today. I woke up, put on a crop top and walked my ass down the street to grab a latte at my favorite new pastry shop. I listened to some skeptical music that inspires me and makes me feel out of my normal realm. I felt like little bits and pieces of how I used to be. Life will always feel like a hamster wheel at times, it will also be a struggle but how you deal with those struggles and how you shape how you see the world will be the most important. At times people will ask me what i’m most proud of… My answer? Failing.

I’ve failed so hard in so many aspects of my life. I’ve been jobless, I have been in toxic relationships, I’ve been in situations where I felt invisible but now I am here. I’m here to show try and tell the world that failure is ok, perfection is not what you should strive for and progress is in your reach if you want to work towards it.

I absolutely have days where I just feel like there is no point to all of this. I have times when I know I am not who someone wants me to be but i’ve grown comfortable with the fact that I don’t need to be who society wants me to be. I might hate the person you want to be and ultimately I will wake up to myself. It’s ok if you don’t want me, my feelings won’t be hurt. I will just take it as the natural filters in my life doing there job.

Happy Saturday.



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Writer's picture: Steph Funny SometimesSteph Funny Sometimes

I wonder sometimes if I will ever be fully satisfied with my life but I also know you make your own perspective. Your perspective is constructed by all the bits and pieces of your life that have made you stronger, made you want to just crawl into a hole, and made you want to just leave it all behind. The moments where you feel your lowest challenge you the most and teach you the most about yourself.

Honestly, so much of me wants to walk around and show how capable, impenetrable and strong I am. I want to show how much of a bad ass I am and how I don’t give two fucks about what anyone thinks of me (though if i find you stupid or basic, I really won’t give two fucks). It is those times when the people you show your heart start acting in a way that’s different from what you expect from them that cause me to stay awake at night. The worst situation is when you know they are dealing with something but since you have no context, you can't do anything for them. It hurts me the most when I feel powerless.

The mentality to always show everyone you are "fine" at all times has impacted many valuable interactions in my life. People need to understand that emotions are not toxic. Having them means that something is important to you. No one is always truly “fine.” Getting stuck in your own head and acting like nothing is wrong will only make life harder. Let the people who care about you in. And if you feel like you don’t have anyone, then find yourself an outlet (why do you think I write so much?)

Anyway, I guess this is my rant for today.

<3 Steph

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